Alvin Calavaza: White Marble, Owl
Alvin Calavaza: White Marble, Owl
The choice to use white marble as the medium to create this beautiful owl lends an air of elegance and timelessness to this piece, while the vivid turquoise eyes bring a sense of vitality and magic.
Owl (Muhukwi): Owls can see what others cannot and this is a large part of Owl (Muhukwi) medicine. Owl’s ability to do this reminds us of the importance of both worlds: the physical as well as the spiritual, perhaps the known and the unknown. Our willingness and courage to transform the unknown in ourselves into the known is a true source of wisdom. The Zuni Pueblo people call the owl “the Night Grandfather” because he does his work at night. Clairvoyant properties and uncovering deception have always been associated with Owl. Its connection with wisdom comes from Owl’s ability to discern that which cannot be “seen.”
Dimensions: Length: 1 5/8" X Width: 3/4" X Height: 1 1/8" Purchased